Photo Gallery

Photo by Patrick Self
Our February 2025 Camp meeting program was given by Retired Air Force Captain and Shawnee Camp member David Netterville, who gave an interesting discussion on Beauvoir, the last home of CSA President Jefferson Davis.

Photos by Patrick Self
(Top photo) As January is the birth month of both Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, Lt. Commander Bently Couch provided an interesting program of quotes from General Robert E. Lee and explained how they were both derived from and reflected General Lee's philosophy on war and life.  (Middle photo) January 2025 Camp meeting group photo of die-hard meeting attendees. (Bottom photo, L-R) Lt. Commander Bently Couch, Compatriot Clifton Taylor, Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds (and Commander Patrick Self behind the camera) braved the chilly winds to retrieve the Christmas wreaths and place battle flags on Confederate veterans graves at Oak Hill Cemetery and Old Town Cemetery.

Photo by Patrick Self
McAlester Camp 775 Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds gave a very interesting program on "Artillery in the War Between the States" during our December 2024 meeting.  He highlighted what our Confederate ancestors were up against.  It was bad enough to face cavalry and infantry, but that artillery fire was beyond deadly!  Thank you Bret for giving us a much better understanding of the lethality and devastation of "the big guns".

Photos by Patrick Self
After the November 2024 Camp meeting and dinner, five dedicated members to Our Charge reconvened at Oak Hill Cemetery (pictured above) and later at Old Town Cemetery to place Christmas Memorial wreaths on the graves of Confederate veterans to recognize their honorable service. (Top photo, L-R) Lt. Commander Bently Couch, Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds, Compatriots David Nix and Clifton Taylor (along with Commander Patrick Self behind the camera) got the job done.  (Bottom photo) A separate photo was taken after we placed a wreath in honor of R.B. Coleman, Confederate ancestor of Camp member Francis Chenoweth.

Photos by David Nix (top 2) and Patrick Self (bottom 2)
(Top two photos) Camp 775 Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds stands in the middle of the impressive historical Confederate display as part of Camp 775's SCV Education and Recruiting Station at the October 2024 McAlester Gun Show staffed with dedicated Camp Compatriots (next photo, L-R) Bret Hinds, Vic Fowler, Chris Loyd, David Nix along with Camp Commander Patrick Self (behind the camera).  Gun show was held in the spacious Southeast Expo Center (bottom photo).

Photos by unknown (top left) and Patrick Self
The United Daughters of the Confederacy, Stand Watie Tulsa Chapter hosted a Southern Cross of Honor dedication for CSA Colonel Daniel N. McIntosh at his gravesite in Fame Cemetery, McIntosh County.  Attendees include (top left photo, L-R) Ada Camp Commander/Fort Washita Brigade Commander Michael Leddy, McAlester Camp Compatriots David Nix and Gary Holly (all three serving in the honor guard for this ceremony), McAlester Camp Commander Patrick Self, McAlester Camp Lt. Commander Bently Couch, and McAlester Camp Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds.  Members of the Holdenville and Tulsa Camps were also present.  Addressing the attendees is Oklahoma Division Commander Jeff Paulk (bottom photo).

Photo by Patrick Self
For our September 2024 meeting program, Camp 775 Compatriot Chris Loyd gave an interesting and informative thumbnail review on the life of Jefferson Davis, with emphasis on the reasons that he was not/could not be charged with Treason...something NOT taught in the school system!

Photos by Patrick Self and Bently Couch
(Top photos) Oklahoma Division Commander Jeff Paulk was invited to discuss the July 2024 National Reunion held in Charleston, South Carolina at our August 2024 Camp meeting.  Later, a Confederate cup was presented to Commander Paulk by McAlester Camp Commander Patrick Self.
(Bottom photos) Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds gave an excellent program on the Battle of Perryville, Indian Territory.  As our current Camp project is to replace the damaged Perryville Battlefield Monument, it was good to learn a few more details about the Battle.  Great presentation Bret!

Photos by Patrick Self
(Left photo) Christine Clark (center) with her daughters Tamela (left) and Shelly (right) were honored at our July 2024 Camp meeting.  Mrs. Clark donated the Confederate collection of her late husband Ronald Harold Clark to our Camp last year.  As a small token of our appreciation, Mrs. Clark was called forward and presented with 2 framed photos. One photo of Camp members holding their selected items at the September 2023 meeting.  A second photo of Camp 775 members at a McAlester Gun Show with Ron's Confederate memorabilia displayed for sale.  We can not adequately express our gratitude and thanks to Mrs. Clark for this very generous donation.  Camp 775 was fortunate to have had Ron Clark join with us.  He will not be forgotten.
(Right photo) When our scheduled program presenter Adam Lynn (Director of the Honey Springs Battlefield) was unable to attend, Lt. Commander Bently Couch stood in with short notice and gave an interesting, informative presentation on the "Lost Cause".  Thank you Bently!

Photos by Bently Couch (top) and Patrick Self (bottom)
Retired USAF Captain David Netterville (top photo) of Shawnee's Colonel Tandy Walker Camp 2207 gave his program on the Battle of Brice's Cross Roads at our June 2024 Camp meeting.  There, Confederate soldiers under General Nathan Bedford Forrest managed to repel, albeit temporarily, a Union force twice as large.  The program was informative and well-received.  Compatriot David Nix (bottom photo, gray sweatshirt) brought a metal Southern Cross of Honor to the meeting, held upright by Compatriot Vic Fowler.  This Cross is available for the purchase price of $42.  If interested, contact David at or 918-471-3191.

Photos by Patrick Self
Camp 775 Compatriots David Nix (top photo) and Bret Hinds (middle photo) went to great lengths to set up and organize their impressive Confederate displays and manned the SCV Education and Recruiting Station at the McAlester Gun Show in June, along with Camp Commander Patrick Self (behind the camera) and Susie and Vic Fowler (seated, bottom photo) who brought sandwich makings, chips and Little Debbie snack cakes that were happily enjoyed for our noon dinner.

Photos by David Nix (middle) and Bently Couch (bottom)
(Top photo) On Saturday 26 May 2024, Camp 775 Compatriots Bret Hinds (far left), David Nix (center, gray shirt) and Bently Couch (dark gray shirt) attended the Veterans Dedication Ceremony at Red Oak Cemetery.  Five Confederate soldiers were honored by having their names placed on the Memorial (middle photo).  You can see the nameplates of the Confederate soldiers by scrolling further down this gallery.  David Nix placed a Confederate battle flag at each grave prior to the dedication ceremony, and gave a short speech honoring the Confederate veterans buried there (bottom photo).

Photo by Patrick Self
University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma Professor of History Dr. Kevin Crow was the guest speaker at our May 2024 Camp meeting.  He gave an excellent presentation comparing today's society/culture with those of past ages.  He said the virtues of our Founding particular George Washington...and how those virtues were the same as those held by our Confederate ancestors.  He pointed out that the first sign of decay/demise of past Republics was the destruction of historical statues!  Sound familiar?

Photos by Patrick Self
(Top photo) Compatriot David Nix manned tables at the 2024 Oklahoma Division Convention, selling Camp Confederate merchandise, items from Compatriot Ron Clark's Confederate memorabilia collection, and the Trans-Mississippi patches for our Perryville Battlefield Monument Fund.  $386 worth of items were sold from Camp Confederate merchandise and Ron Clark's collection.  (Middle photo) Compatriot Bret Hinds, who also manned the tables, is shown talking with ATM Commander J.C. Hanna.  Bret sold $53 worth of Trans-Mississippi patches for our Perryville Battlefield Monument Fund. Congratulations and thank you to both David and Bret for being willing to transport, set up, and take down the display tables.  (Bottom photo) Before giving his acceptance speech, our newly elected Division Commander Jeff Paulk had Steve Ward stand and publicly appointed him as the Division Adjutant.  Congratulations to both Jeff and Steve as they continue to serve the Oklahoma Division.

Photo by David Nix
David Nix reported at the April 2024 Camp meeting that the representative for Red Oak Cemetery had assured him that "CSA" would be added to the nameplates of Confederate veterans listed on the new Veterans Monument.  Members decided to wait until the Monument was finished and then, IF "CSA" was actually engraved on the nameplates, THEN we would make a donation to the Cemetery.  Nameplates are finished, and as promised, the photo above does display "Civil War - CSA" beneath each Confederate veteran's name.

Photo by Patrick Self
At our April 2024 Camp meeting, Chris Loyd gave an outstanding program on Nathan Bedford Forrest, focusing on his Southern character, his beliefs on government, and debunking two of the most falsely pushed narratives used to smear his reputation: the Fort Pillow incident and his involvement with the KKK.  Thank you Chris!

Photos by Bently Couch
Mr. Clifton Taylor (left) was called forward to stand in front of attendees for formal induction into our Camp and the SCV by Commander Patrick Self at the April 2024 Camp meeting.  We are pleased to have him join us and hope that he will be an active participant.  Cliff was given his SCV membership certificate, decal, and membership card along with the book, "Understanding the War Between the States".

Photo by Patrick Self
CQ Bret Hinds gave an eye-opening program on "Irish in America during the War Between the States".  Most, if not all, attendees were surprised to learn the extent of Irish participation.  During the presentation, Bret presented Vic Fowler (who uses a walking stick as a result of numerous back surgeries) with a hand-made authentic shillelagh to be used as a walking stick and for self-defense.  An excellent presentation, Bret!

Photo by Patrick Self
The new Camp 775 keyrings are in and looking sharp!  These patriotic keyrings were generously donated to Camp 775 by Compatriot Billy Gates.  Thank you Billy!

Photos by Patrick Self
(Top photo) Camp 775 Compatriot Chris Loyd gave a very interesting and educational presentation on the Battle of Nashville at our February 2024 Camp meeting.  (Bottom photo) Following the meeting and dinner, Camp Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds (left), Lt. Commander Bently Couch (right), Compatriot Billy Gates (not shown) and photographer Commander Patrick Self braved the overcast, windy, 33° weather to retrieve the Christmas wreaths and placed Confederate flags on the graves of Confederate soldiers in two cemeteries.  Job well done, gentlemen!

Photo by Patrick Self
It has become a Camp tradition that Lt. Commander Bently Couch gives the January program on the lives of Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.  General Lee was born 19 January, 1807.  General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was born 21 January, 1824. Each January, we celebrate the lives of these two great men with Bently's program and a meal including Confederate fellowship.  God bless Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.

Photos by Patrick Self and David Nix
(Top photo, L-R) Camp Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds and Compatriots David Nix and Chris Loyd manned the Education and Recruiting Station table and Confederate merchandise table fronted by the new attention-grabbing Camp banner at the January 6 Gun Show in McAlester as Generals Lee and Jackson supervise.  Compatriot James Nevels (not pictured) was also helpful in manning the tables for several hours.  (Bottom photo) Camp Chaplain/Quartermaster Bret Hinds explains a Confederate history exhibit complete with national and battle flags to some interested gun show attendees.

Photo by Patrick Self
An absolutely beautiful day was had as the November 2023 McAlester Camp meeting concluded with the placement of Christmas wreaths on Confederate veteran's graves in two McAlester cemeteries to recognize their honorable service.

Photos by David Nix
McAlester Camp 775 member David Nix (left) is assisted by his grandson Koda in the placement of a wreath and flags on second great uncle Benjamin Franklin Jones' grave. Private Jones served in the 1st Tennessee Cavalry CSA.

Photo by Allen Harrison
Proud grandfather and McAlester Camp 775 member Vic Fowler (center) is joined by his grandsons Baylor (left) and Brant (right) as they become the newest members of the Shawnee Camp 2207.

Photo by Patrick Self
Camp 775 members listen intently to retired Air Force Captain and Shawnee Camp member David Netterville speak about John Brown, exposing the real truth about Brown's character and showed him to be anything BUT a hero at the October 2023 Camp meeting.

Photos by David Nix (top) and Patrick Self (bottom)
The Gun Show crew from McAlester Camp 775 prepared and manned an Education and Recruiting Station table in addition to a Confederate merchandise table at the October 14 Gun Show in McAlester.  The general consensus was that it was an overall success!

Photos by Patrick Self
(Top photo) Lt. Commander Bently Couch and attendees of the September 2023 McAlester Camp meeting listen to the program given by Allen Harrison (middle photo) who spoke on a deadly Confederate named John W. Hixon who (many times over) avenged the death of his two sons by Yankee soldiers.  The highlight today was the selection of door prizes from the Ron Clark collection of Confederate memorabilia (bottom photo) for attendees to choose from when their number was called (with Mrs. Christine Clark's prior approval and support). Members voted unanimously to offer the remaining items for sale at the 2024 Oklahoma Division Annual Convention.

Photos by David Nix
Camp 775 members Bret Hinds and David Nix set up a top notch display at the Old Town Flea Market Saturday, 02 September 2023 in an effort to collect donations for the Perryville Monument.

Photos by Patrick Self
(Top photo) Lt. Commander Bently Couch provided the program at our August 2023 Camp meeting, giving us some little/unknown facts about the author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic.  (Bottom photo) After the meeting, the attendees remained at the Indianola facility for fellowship and our meal provided by Compatriot Jeffery Gates, who had cooked a variety of meats and brought them to the meeting.  All attendees agreed that it was a really great meal.  We appreciate Jeffery for taking the time and putting forth the effort to brighten our day with an unexpected delicious meal.  Thank you Jeffery!

Photos by Steve and Kathy Ward
(Top photo) At our July 2023 Camp meeting, Commander Patrick Self presents a Sons of Confederate Veterans Last Roll Resolution to Mrs. Christine Clark to pay tribute to her husband Compatriot Ronald H. Clark, who crossed over the river and rests under the shade of the trees on July 1, 2019.  (Middle photo) Commander Patrick Self and Mrs. Clark display a 31st Texas Cavalry flag that was similar to the one used by Ron Clark's Confederate ancestor.  The flag was sewn entirely by Mrs. Clark.  (Bottom photo)Commander Patrick Self presents a Sons of Confederate Veterans Certificate of Appreciation to Mrs. Clark for her generous donation of her late husband's Confederate collectibles.

Photos by David Nix
Camp 775 member David Nix got to see a genuine General Lee Dodge Charger like the one driven by them Duke Boys of Hazzard County, Georgia at the Wilburton Car Show held June 24.

Photo by Bently Couch
Replacement Charter for Camp 775 on display at the June 2023 meeting.  Commander Patrick Self had it professionally mounted and framed with its own floor easel for public display.

Photo by Thomas Howell
Camp 775 member Thomas Howell flagged the grave site of Brigadier General Edward Lloyd Thomas.  Brigadier General Thomas served as Commander of the 35th Georgia Infantry.  He fought in many major battles, including Seven Days Battle, Second Manassas, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Siege of Petersburg, and the Appomattox Campaign.  Following the War, he returned to farming in Newton County, Georgia.  In 1885, President Grover Cleveland appointed him as Special Agent of the Land Bureau in Kansas.  Later he was appointed as Indian Agent of the Sac and Fox Tribe in Indian Territory.  He passed away in McAlester, Indian Territory at the age of 72.

Photos by David Nix and Patrick Self
Members who could not attend the April 2023 meeting got to sign the new replacement Camp Charter at the May 2023 meeting.  Clockwise from top left: Commander Patrick Self, Vic Fowler, Dan Houser, David Nix, James Nevels, Chris Loyd, Bret Hinds, Lt. Commander Bentley Couch, Gary Holly, Billy Gates, Thomas Howell, Jeffery Gates.

Photo by Patrick Self
The program for the May 2023 meeting was given by guest speaker Mr. Adam Lynn, Director of Honey Springs Battlefield, who gave an informative presentation on the battle and extended an invitation to visit the site.

Photo by Cracker Barrel waitress
Kathy and Steve Ward show their appreciation to Camp 775 members who generously donated for the purchase of Cracker Barrel gift cards as a Christmas gift.

Photo by Patrick Self
McAlester Camp 775 Compatriot David Nix went above and beyond expectations by single-handedly assembling the area at the 2023 Oklahoma Division Convention & Reunion for Trans-Mississippi patch sales to benefit our Perryville Battlefield Monument fund.

Photo by Patrick Self
Professor, author, and historian Steve Byas of Randall University was the keynote speaker at the 2023 Oklahoma Division Convention & Reunion, confirming our Southern ancestors had a legal right to secede from the Union.

Photos by Patrick Self
At our April 2023 Camp meeting, members got to sign a replacement charter for the camp (above), while a fine looking group of Southern patriots (below) listen intently to Lt. Commander Bently Couch pay tribute to Preston Brooks, a U.S. Senator from South Carolina, most notably remembered for "raisin' cane" on Senator Charles Sumner after Sumner had belittled South Carolina and a Brooks relative in a speech from the Senate floor.

Photo by Patrick Self
During the March 2023 meeting, Compatriot David Nix came forward unexpectedly and presented the Camp Commander with a beautiful framed painting of Confederate Cavalry riding thru the mist rising from a small creek with large pine trees in the background. Almost dead center in the cavalry unit is the flag bearer with the Confederate battle flag. Commander Self thanked David and Camp members for this beautiful painting and unexpected gesture.

Photo by Patrick Self
Following the February Camp meeting and noon meal, members Bret Hinds (left) and Billy Gates (right) along with Patrick Self and James Nevels (not pictured) reconvened at the Old Town and Oak Hill Cemeteries and braved a chilly wind to retrieve Christmas wreaths and place Confederate battle flags on Confederate soldier's graves.

Photos by Patrick Self
Lt. Commander Bently Couch (above) pays tribute to the honorable Confederate Generals behind him - General Robert E. Lee and General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson at our January 2023 Camp meeting.  A fine looking group of Southern patriots (below) listen intently to his truthful words.

Photo by Patrick Self
Surrounded by Confederate battle flags which flew against government tyranny and invasion, Lt. Commander Bently Couch provides a program on the Lost Cause during the December 2022 Camp meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
Despite cold temps, the faithful men of Capt. James J. McAlester Camp 775 performed their traditional placement of Christmas wreaths on Confederate heroes' graves after their November 2022 Camp meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
The Camp 775 family enjoyed manning an SCV recruiting and education table at the 2022 Red Dirt Treasure Festival in McAlester.  This appearance was approved by Generals Lee and Jackson.

Photo by Patrick Self
When it's time to pick up litter from the Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area to Keep McAlester Beautiful, you can count on the men of Camp 775 to step up and get the job done!

Photo by David Nix
Commander Patrick Self (right) swears new member Chris Loyd into the SCV and Camp 775 during the induction ceremony at the August 2022 meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
Lt. Commander Bently Couch reads aloud the Last Roll for our brother and Camp member Phillip Lambdin at our August 2022 meeting location in Indianola.

Photo by Susie Fowler
Faithful members of Camp 775 pose for a photo at our temporary meeting location in Indianola for our July 2022 meeting.

Photos by Patrick Self and David Nix
As we await the new ownership and renovation of our current meeting place, the June 2022 meeting was held at the beautiful Oak Hill Cemetery. Chaplain Bob Pattison opens the Camp meeting with an invocation and a bible quiz as Commander Patrick Self looks on (top); Thomas Howell reported on his visit to the Duncan Camp (middle); and even the cemetery ducks were interested in learning more about our Confederate heritage. (bottom)  It's only natural!

Photo by Patrick Self
Proud members of Camp 775 gather at the Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area to pick up litter and Keep McAlester Beautiful after our April 2022 meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
The April 2022 Camp meeting is off to a good start with a talk from Camp Chaplain Bob Pattison.

Photo by ???
SCV Camp 775 compatriot Thomas Howell visits the majestic Confederate Memorial Hall in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Photo by Patrick Self
Camp 775 members ready to retrieve the Christmas wreaths at Oak Hill Cemetery and replace them with a Confederate Battle Flag after the February 2022 meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
Camp Chaplain Bob Pattison speaks to a group of good men (and women) at the start of the February 2022 meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
Lt. Commander Bently Couch discusses the importance of Generals Lee and Jackson before the attendees partake in the annual Lee-Jackson Banquet during the January 2022 meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
Despite a blustery forecast, Camp 775 had a good attendance at their January 2022 meeting.

Photo by Vic Fowler
A shotgun worthy of a Confederate American is shown above.  Compatriot Vic Fowler had this custom artwork done on his shotgun and it is stunning.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Camp Lt. Commander Bently Couch enlightens the attendees of the November 2021 meeting with the origins of the first Thanksgiving.

Photo by Steve Ward
Camp Chaplain Bob Pattison (right) congratulates Jeffery Gates on becoming an SCV and Camp 775 member after his induction ceremony at the November 2021 Camp meeting.

Photo by ???
October 2021 attendees to the Camp 775 meeting met afterwards at the Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area to pick up litter as part of our commitment to keep McAlester beautiful.

Photo by ???
Group photo of the fine people who attended our October 2021 Camp meeting.

Photo by Kathy Ward
An overview of the Atoka Museum and Confederate Cemetery was presented to the August 2021 meeting attendees by Site Manager Ms. Gwen Walker.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Camp 775 members workin' in the hot hot sun at the Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area to pick up litter as part of our commitment to keep McAlester Beautiful after our July 2021 Camp meeting.

Photo by Kathy Ward
At the July 2021 Camp meeting, Rex Cash educates the attendees about the corrupt elections of 1864.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Camp Commander Patrick Self (left) presents membership certificates to new members Thomas Howell (center) and Billy Gates (right) during the July 2021 Camp meeting.

Left photo by Steve Ward
Lt. Commander Bently Couch (left) enlightens the attendees of the June 2021 Camp meeting in McAlester about Oklahoma Confederate veteran Daniel M. Hailey (right).

Photo by Steve Ward
At our May 2021 Camp meeting, Cherokee (NE) Brigade Commander Steve Sanders dispels many of the myths of slavery that most of us learned during our brainwashing as young’uns in government indoctrination centers (public schools).

Photo by Steve Ward
New member Jeremy Epperley (right) received his membership certificate and “Understanding the War Between the States” book for new members from McAlester Camp Commander Patrick Self after being inducted into the SCV and Camp 775 by Camp Chaplain Bob Pattison during our May 2021 meeting.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Clean-up crew doing their duty to keep the Jeff-Lee Park area clean after our April 2021 meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
At the beginning of the April 2021 Camp meeting, McAlester Camp Commander Patrick Self (left) presented Camp Lt. Commander Bently Couch with a framed photo of Bently and his wife Jeanette at an SCV event in remembrance of Jeanette.

Photo by Kathy Ward
McAlester Camp 775 members pose for a photo with the glorious Confederate battle flag at the J.J. McAlester grave before placing the flags on Confederate heroes buried here in Oak Hill Cemetery after the March 2021 Camp meeting.

Photos by Steve Ward
At our March 2021 meeting, Quartermaster Bret Hinds gives his informative presentation on the Battle of Sabine Pass with an excellent diorama of the area.

Photo by Steve Ward
Commander Patrick Self (left) congratulates new member Doyle Burnell after his induction ceremony during the March 2021 meeting.

Photo by Kathy Ward
After the January 2021 meeting, members of Camp 775 enjoy a laugh before collecting wreaths at Oak Hill Cemetery as Adjutant Ward (far left) models his "Dixie Denims". Generals Lee and Jackson look on.

Photo by Patrick Self
Following our November 2020 meeting, Camp members and spouses gathered at Oak Hill Cemetery to honor the Confederate dead there with Confederate memorial Christmas wreaths.

Photo by Kathy Ward
SCV members and spouses gathered at the Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area to collect litter as part of our commitment to keep McAlester Beautiful after our October 2020 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
Cherokee (NE) Brigade Commander Steve Sanders speaks on the importance of why The South was Right from the Kennedy book of the same name at our October 2020 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
Compatriot Gary Holly (right) presents Camp Commander Patrick Self with an SCV Commander medal at the October 2020 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
At the September 2020 Camp meeting, Compatriot and Chief of the Kusa Nunahi Tribal Band of Cherokee Indians James Skelton expertly gives his presentation on Stand Watie, Cherokee General of the Confederate States Army.

Photo by Vic Fowler
Compatriot Vic Fowler displays his beautifully customized 9mm handgun with a battle flag of the Confederacy, and "Robert E Lee" adorns the top of the slide.

Photo by Steve Ward
Shawnee Camp Commander Allen Harrison gave an informative presentation about freed slaves titled, "Sick From Freedom" at the August 2020 Camp meeting.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Short in number but long in effort, dedicated members Bret Hinds, Patrick Self and Steve Ward of Camp 775 pick up litter at the historic Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area as part of their "Adopt-A-Block" duties to Keep McAlester Beautiful.

Photo by Steve Ward
Division Commander James Orebaugh returned for our June 2020 meeting to present Part 2 of his excellent presentation on the Bill of Rights.

Photo by Steve Ward
After a two month hiatus due to the COVID-19 virus scare, Division Commander James Orebaugh gave a thought-provoking presentation on the Bill of Rights (Part 1) at our May 2020 meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
Teresa Black Bradway, dressed in period attire, delighted us with her banjo playing and singing songs from the War to Prevent Southern Independence, including an extended version and alternate version of "Dixie Land".

Photo by Steve Ward
New compatriot Vic Fowler (center) was sworn in to Camp 775 by Camp Chaplain Bob Pattison (right) and overseen by Commander Patrick Self (left) during our February 2020 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
Camp Chaplain Bob Pattison was presented with a special birthday cake and card from his wife Sue in celebration of his 73rd birthday during our February 2020 Camp meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
Camp Chaplain Bob Pattison sports a snazzy new tie purchased from the Camp's collection of Confederate merchandise.  Proceeds from the merchandise go toward the installation of the Indian Nation Turnpike mega-flag and flagpole.

Photo by Patrick Self
Camp 775 celebrates Lee-Jackson holiday at our January 2020 meeting as General Jackson inspects our Camp Commander Bently Couch before our Lee-Jackson Banquet.  After Camp elections at this meeting, Commander Couch and Lt. Commander Patrick Self swapped offices. Congratulations to Commander Self and Lt. Commander Couch as they continue to lead our honorable Camp for another two years.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Compatriots of Camp 775 gather at the grave of Confederate veteran James J. McAlester in Oak Hill Cemetery after the November 2019 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
Camp 775 Lt. Commander Patrick Self (right) presents an SCV membership certificate to James and Andrea Skelton who accept the certificate on behalf of their relative, John Wade.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Camp 775 members gather for a photo after spending time picking up litter from the area that was once used as picnic grounds for the McAlester UCV Jeff-Lee Camp No. 68.

Photo by Steve Ward
Past Div. Lt. Cmdr. Rex Cash explains the true history of the Pledge of Allegiance to those attending the October 2019 Camp 775 meeting.

Photos by Steve Ward
(top) Camp 775 Recruiting and Education Station is pictured during a lull at the Oct. 5 gun show in McAlester.  The table was staffed by members David Nix (seated), Bret Hinds, Bob Pattison, and Steve Ward.
(bottom) At the gun show, we were shown another reason why Southeast Oklahoma is called “Little Dixie”!

Photo by Bently Couch
At the August 2019 Camp meeting, Oklahoma Division Commander Jim Orebaugh discusses the Confederate Records held at the National Archives in Washington D.C.

Photo by Kathy Ward
An excellent turnout of Camp 775 men for the Jeff-Lee Pool/Park litter clean-up after our July 2019 meeting.  Commander Couch (far left) shows us the proper hat to wear when working in the Oklahoma sun.  Ice cold bottled water provided by David Nix (2nd from right).

Photos by David Nix
Pictured above are (top) an iron clad yankee ship that was sunk by Confederate mines and raised 100 years later, and (bottom) a Confederate cannon on rebel line in Vicksburg, Mississippi from the July 4 vacation of Compatriot David Nix.  David and his wife stayed at a mansion that was captured by the yankees and used as headquarters for Grant.  It was hit by 41 cannon balls!

Photo by Steve Ward
Bret Hinds and David Dailey are sworn in as new members of the McAlester Camp 775 by Commander Bently Couch at our June 2019 Camp meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
It was a bittersweet June 2019 meeting as our meeting venue, Western Sizzlin, was closing its doors due to a drop in business from the months of roadway construction that ran in front of the restaurant.  Picture above is the owner, Marty House.  He and his staff provided us with a comfortable meeting room, tasty food and great service for many meetings.

Photos by Steve Ward (1,2,4), Bob Eubanks (3)
For the May 2019 meeting, the Camp met at Chaplain Bob Pattison's residence instead of the usual meeting place.
(Top-1) Chaplain Pattison greets a new arrival.
(2) After a delicious pot luck lunch hosted by the wives and a short business meeting, the Camp waits for a local tornado and rainstorm to pass for the opportunity to shoot firearms.
(3) Compatriot David Nix fires his replica 1861 .44 caliber black powder handgun.
(4) Compatriot James Nevels holds what's left of a gallon water jug after he pierced it with a .50 caliber bullet.

Photos by Steve Ward (top), Lisa Bray (bottom)
(top) At the 30 March 2019 gun show in McAlester, Compatriot David Nix explains why our organization's existence is important to an attendee as Compatriot Patrick Self looks on.
(bottom, l-r) Compatriots Bob Pattison, Patrick Self, David Nix, and Steve Ward man the McAlester Camp SCV Education and Recruiting Station at the gun show in McAlester's SE Expo Building.  Our station included an old Springfield Armory rifle dating back to 1827, a display of five Confederate flags, and an exhibit of Confederate service records from one of David Nix's Confederate ancestors (far right).

Photo by Steve Ward
Compatriot Dan Houser gave a compelling biography of the man that gave our Camp and host city its name, Capt. James Jackson McAlester, at our March 2019 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
After being initiated into the organization at our March 2019 Camp meeting, Malachi Houser receives his SCV Membership Certificate and Card from Camp Commander Bently Couch.

Photos by ????
PFC James Nevels, Son of the South and future Camp 775 member, shown here in Đông Hà Vietnam August 1967 as part of the Marine Corps C Company, 9th Motor Transport Battalion with the truck assigned to him adorned with his home Arkansas State flag and Confederate Battle flag on the back of his truck.  

Photos by Steve Ward
Commander Bently Couch presents some highlights of his 33 years with the SCV at the February 2019 Camp meeting, including various awards and reunion medals, the "War Between the Plates" (top left) and an all-weather Army of Northern Virginia flag he made out of duct tape.  How's that for Southern ingenuity!

Photo by Bently Couch
This glorious gallery of Confederate flags with custom built handcrafted flag stand was provided by Compatriot David Nix for our February 2019 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
Compatriot James Nevels (left) receives a Memorial Membership in honor of his brother Michael from Camp Commander Bently Couch during the February 2019 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
New SCV member Jim B. Miller (left) is presented with his membership certificate after being inducted by Camp Commander Bently Couch during the February 2019 Camp meeting.

Photo from Tulsa World
We mourn the loss of our dear Friend of the SCV, Nona Lee Wood.  On 4 February 2019 she was called to be with her Lord and Saviour.  Nona was a regular attendee at our Camp meetings for several years, following in the footsteps of her cousin Joe Benson who was a member of our Camp.  She will be missed by us all.

Photo by Steve Ward
Oklahoma Division Commander James L. Orebaugh explains the importance of music to Confederate soldiers and the South during his “Music of the Confederacy” presentation at the December 2018 McAlester Camp meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self (left); Ralph Morton (right)
Camp 775 Compatriots Ronnie Keesee (far left and far right), Ralph Morton (left) and Patrick Self (right) show their respect and honor Confederate heroes with memorial wreaths at the graves of Confederate veterans William C. Cummings (Co. G, 35th TN Inf.) and
P.M. Drake (Co. A, 8th TN Cav.) at the Oakwood Cemetery in Wewoka, Oklahoma.

Photo by Nikki Nix
Camp 775 Compatriot David Nix shows his respect and honors Confederate hero Pvt. Benjamin Franklin Jones of the 1st TN Cav. with a beautiful memorial wreath at the cemetery in Calvin, Oklahoma.

Photo by Kathy Ward
After the November 2018 meeting, Camp 775 Compatriots met at McAlester's Oak Hill Cemetery to honor Confederate heroes by placing memorial wreaths and flags at their graves.

Photo by Steve Ward
Camp Commander Bently Couch swears in new SCV members Dillon Pratt (middle) and his father, the Honorable James Pratt (right) during the November 2018 Camp meeting.

Photo by Kathy Ward
(from left) David Boyer, Ronnie Keesee, Patrick Self, Bently Couch, David Nix, Ben McIntosh, and Steve Ward of Camp 775 pose for a photo after completing their Adopt-A-Block litter clean-up at the historic Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area in McAlester after their October 2018 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
Camp 775 was fortunate to have Tulsa Camp Commander Dr. Todd Cathey give his epic presentation, "To Die Like Men" at their October 2018 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
New Camp 775 member Jimmy Morrison displays his membership certificate after being initiated into the Camp by Camp Commander Bently Couch during the September 2018 Camp meeting.

Photo by Bently Couch
Confederate veteran Marcus Anthony Looper (realistically portrayed by his descendant and Camp 775 Chaplain Bob Pattison) discusses the pride of being in Company H, 19th Arkansas Infantry, the hardships, and what got him through the WBTS at our August 2018 Camp meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
Camp 775 Compatriot David Boyer points out one of eight Wilkins brothers from Union County, Mississippi who fought in the War to Prevent Southern Independence during his informative presentation at the July 2018 Camp meeting.

Photos by Patrick Self
(top photo, l. to r.) Camp Commander Bently Couch and James Skelton enjoy some relaxing time in the shade as they and host Bob Pattison (bottom photo, left) await the next trigger pull from an unidentified rifleman on a sunny Saturday in June.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Camp 775 Compatriots (from left) Bob Pattison, James Nevels, Bently Couch, Patrick Self, David Nix, Ralph Morton, and Steve Ward pose for a photo after performing their Adopt-A-Block litter clean-up at the historic Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area in McAlester after their June 2018 Camp meeting.

Photo by Steve Ward
Bobby Smith (center), Commander of the Col. Charles DeMorse 29th Texas Cavalry Camp 2269 from Van, Texas presents Patrick Self with a cap and commemorative flag honoring the 29th Texas Cavalry during the June 2018 Camp meeting as Marshall Neagle (left) looks on.

Photo by Steve Ward
Jack Williams (left) receives his membership certificate from Camp Commander Bently Couch during the June 2018 Camp meeting.

Photos by Ronnie Keesee and Patrick Self
Camp 775 Compatriots Ronnie Keesee (left) and Patrick Self show their respect and honor Confederate heroes on Memorial Day 2018 at the graves of Confederate veterans P.M. Drake (Co. A, 8th TN Cav.) and William C. Cummings (Co. G, 35th TN Inf.) at the Oakwood Cemetery in Wewoka, Oklahoma.

Photo by Rex Cash
Members representing McAlester Camp 775 at the Oklahoma Division Convention (L-R): Ben McIntosh, Patrick Self (delegate), and Steve Ward.

Photo by Patrick Self
Newly elected officers being sworn in by Lt. Commander-in-Chief Paul Gramling, Jr. at the April 2018 Oklahoma Division Convention.  (L-R) Terry Pierce, Col. Roger Quarles Mills (NW) Brigade Commander; Steve Ward, Ft. Washita (SE) Brigade Commander; Jim Orebaugh, Division Commander; Steve Sanders, Cherokee (NE) Brigade Commander; Frank Gilbert, Indian Nations-Red River Brigade (SW) Brigade Commander.  Not present: Virgil Chain, Division Lt. Commander.

Photo by Patrick Self
At the February 2018 meeting, Camp Commander Bently Couch swears in new members David Nix (middle) and Frank Wilson (right).

Photo by Kathy Ward
After the January 2018 Camp meeting and Lee-Jackson Banquet, the men of Camp 775 went to nearby Oak Hill Cemetery to retrieve the holiday Confederate wreaths and install small ANV flags at all Confederate heroes gravesites.

Photos by Patrick Self (top,middle), Steve Ward (bottom)
(top photo) At the January 2018 meeting, Camp Commander Bently Couch swears in new member Bret Streater; (middle photo) Commander Couch speaks about two of America's greatest heroes - Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson and Robert E. Lee; (bottom photo) Camp 775 compatriots enjoying the Lee-Jackson Banquet.

Photos by Steve Ward
Nick Wallace, an Archaeological Technician for the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, gave his presentation on the Choctaw Cavalry during the WBTS, complete with firearms and a saddle during the Camp's December 2017 meeting.

Photo by Kathy Ward
After the November 2017 meeting, Camp 775 Compatriots meet at the Oak Hill Cemetery in McAlester to honor Confederate heroes by placing memorial wreaths at their graves. Standing L-R: Adjutant Steve Ward, Ronnie Keesee, Ralph Morton, Lt. Commander Patrick Self, Guest David Nix, and Commander Bently Couch with ANV flag.

Photos by Ronnie Keesee and Patrick Self
Wewoka Compatriots Patrick Self (blue jacket), Ronnie Keesee (light hat), Fred Argo (with small flag) and Ralph Jennings (sweatshirt) of Camp 775 honor CSA heroes P.M. Drake, Co. A, 8th Tennessee Cavalry and William C. Cummings, Co. G, 35th Tennessee Infantry at their gravesites with Confederate flags at the Oakwood Cemetery in Wewoka, Oklahoma on Veterans Day 2017.

Photos by Kathy Ward
The Duke paid us a visit during our clean-up at the Jeff-Lee Pool/Park area after our October 2017 meeting.  He said we did a good job, pilgrim.

Photo by Bently Couch
At the October 2017 meeting, Camp Chaplain Bob Pattison gave an informative presentation about his WBTS firearms, including a Colt Model 1851 Navy Revolving .36 Caliber Pistol, an 1855 14-gauge shotgun by Robert Pattison, and a 1830's Springfield Armory rifle, complete with bayonet.

Photo by Patrick Self (top), Herlinda Self (bottom)
Commander Bently Couch (top and bottom photo), along with (bottom photo, L-R) Frank Wilson, Fred Argo, Patrick Self, Ben McIntosh, and Ralph Morton explore the only designated Confederate Cemetery in the state of Oklahoma, located in Atoka County.

Photos by Bently Couch
(top photo) Gwen Walker, our gracious tour guide from the Atoka Confederate Museum and Cemetery, gives us a guided tour of the Confederate cemetery grounds and museum.

Photo by Bently Couch (top), Steve Ward (bottom)
Compatriot Fred Argo (top and bottom photo), Commander Bently Couch (bottom photo) and Adjutant Steve Ward (top photo) manned the Camp 775 Sons of Confederate Veterans Education and Recruiting Station at the gun show in McAlester Saturday, Sept. 30, 2017.

Photo by Steve Ward
At the September 2017 DEC meeting, Division Commander Ken Cook (right) presents an SCV Distinguished Service Medal award for serving as Division Historian and generating "This Day In History" messages to McAlester Camp 775 Commander Bently Couch.

Photo by REUTERS/Nick Oxford
A REUTERS photo featuring many Camp 775 members attending our Oklahoma Division flag rally in Shawnee, Oklahoma last March was used on the Fox News website with an accompanying story about one of America's few remaining Confederate Flag manufacturers. Click on the photo to see the full story.

Photo by Steve Ward
Compatriot Ronnie Keesee (left) receives a Sons of Confederate Veterans Dixie Club Award from Commander J. Bently Couch for recruiting five or more new members during a year.

Photo by Patrick Self
(from left) Commander J. Bently Couch and Adjutant/Treasurer Steve Ward present a $300 donation from Camp 775 to Richard Ellwanger, Executive Director of the Seminole Nation Museum in Wewoka, Oklahoma.  Mr. Ellwanger will use the money to create a display outlining the Seminole's importance in the Confederacy, most notably Chief John Jumper.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Adjutant Steve Ward and his wife Kathy visit the beautiful Confederate Cemetery in Fayetteville, Arkansas.  This cemetery, surrounded by a rock wall, has a gazebo and a tall monument dedicated to the Confederate soldiers who fought galliantly from four states: Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Louisiana.

Photos by ???
Commander Bently Couch at the July 2017 SCV National Reunion in Memphis, Tennessee. Among the attractions and people were (from bottom) a Nathan Bedford Forrest light display, attendees from the Oklahoma Division (from left, Moore Camp Commander Larry Logan, Commander Couch, Dr. Les Tucker, Division Commander Ken Cook), The King, The Nathan Bedford Forrest Statue in Forrest Park, and H.K. Edgerton.

Photo by Kathy Ward
On a soggy Saturday after our July Camp meeting, Adjutant Steve Ward (left) and Commander Bently Couch were surprised to find the Jeff-Lee Pool open for business, so they were able to access the clean-up tools left by Pride In McAlester and did some litter pick-up and weed cutting in and around the park and pool area.

Photo by ???
(L. to R.) Shawnee Camp Commander Allen Harrison and McAlester Camp Lt. Commander Patrick Self enjoy a photo with featured guest speaker Susan Hathaway of the Virginia Flaggers at the Confederate Memorial Day Supper hosted by the Moore Camp.

Photos by Guy Tucker and Patrick Self
Camp 775 Compatriots Patrick Self (dark hat), Ralph Morton (cowboy hat), and Ronnie Keesee (light hat) show their respect and honor Confederate heroes on Memorial Day at the graves of Confederate veterans William C. Cummings (Co. G, 35th TN Inf.) and P.M. Drake (Co. A, 8th TN Cav.) at the Oakwood Cemetery in Wewoka, Oklahoma.

Photo by Steve Ward
Photo of the 2017 Oklahoma Division Convention & Reunion before it was called to order. Attendees from Camp 775 include Patrick Self, Ronnie Keesee, and Steve Ward.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Camp 775 next to the U.C.V. stone pillar at Lee Park in McAlester, April 2017.
(Back) James Nevels, Ralph Morton, Steve Ward, Bob Pattison, Patrick Self, Ronnie Keesee
(Front) Ben McIntosh, David Boyer, Dan Houser, Bently Couch.

Photo by Bently Couch
Camp 775 next to the U.D.C. stone pillar at Lee Park in McAlester, April 2017.
(L. to R.) Ralph Morton, James Nevels, Steve Ward, Ben McIntosh, Dan Houser, Ronnie Keesee, Patrick Self, Bob Pattison, David Boyer.

Photo by Bently Couch
Bob Pattison sends the weeds a-flyin' during the April 2017 clean-up of Lee Park in McAlester, Oklahoma.  The Lee Park area was owned and used by the United Confederate Veterans Jeff-Lee Camp #68 in the early part of the 20th century for Confederate Veteran celebrations, picnics, etc.  A stone pillar has been erected in rememberance for both the U.C.V. and the U.D.C. (United Daughters of the Confederacy) in 1934.

Photo by Partick Self
Ralph Morton proves that at Camp 775, it isn't all work and no play.

Photo by Steve Ward
Camp 775 begins its clean-up of Lee Park after its April 2017 meeting and lunch.  Special thanks to Sherry Keesee and Kathy Ward for helping out.

Photo by Bently Couch
Camp 775 is honored to be a part of Keep McAlester Beautiful's Adopt-A-Block Program. The City of McAlester has installed a sign on our behalf, letting the world know this hallowed ground will be taken care of by our Camp.

Photo by Patrick Self
Camp 775 welcomes another valuable member.  James C. Nevels (left), whose ancestor Martin Simon Nevels was in Co. C, 4th Mississippi Cavalry, is initiated into the Camp by Commander Bently Couch at our April 2017 meeting.

Photo by Kathy Ward
Camp 775 Adjutant Steve Ward and soon-to-be Tulsa Chapter UDC member Michelle McIntosh flank the Confederate statue located outside the Lamar County Courthouse in Paris, Texas.  This unique statue has an interesting history and is truly one-of-a-kind.

Photo by ????
(L. to R.) Camp 775 Commander Bently Couch, his wife Jeanette in period attire, and Lt. Commander Patrick Self attended the Dedication of the Southern Cross of Honor at the Connorville Cemetery for Pvt. Joseph M. White, 1st Mississippi Cavalry.

Photo by Steve Ward
Retired Commander, U.S. Coast Guard and SCV Life Member Harold Tydings was the featured speaker at the March 2017 Camp meeting - "On the other side of the World", the story about the CSS Shenandoah, the only ship during the WBTS to sail around the world.

Photo by Sherry Keesee
Camp 775 members at the 2017 Confederate Flag Rally in Shawnee.  (L. to R.) Dan Houser, Fred Argo, Commander Bently Couch (in his Confederate uniform), Ralph Morton, Lt. Commander Patrick Self, and Ronnie Keesee.

Photo by Bently Couch
Shawnee Camp Commander Allen Harrison speaks with Camp 775 members at the 2017 Confederate Flag Rally in Shawnee.

Photo by REUTERS/Nick Oxford
Camp 775 members partake in the opening ceremonies of the 2017 Confederate Flag Rally in Shawnee.  (L. to R.) Monty Coley, Adjutant Steve Ward and wife Kathy, and Commander Bently Couch.

Photo by Bently Couch
Friend of the SCV Arlene Barnum speaks about her ancestry and why the Confederate Flag is personal to her at the 2017 Confederate Flag Rally in Shawnee.

Photo by REUTERS/Nick Oxford
Division Lt. Commander Rex Cash was the emcee for the 2017 Confederate Flag Rally in Shawnee and gave an impassioned speech about why the Confederate Flag was personal to him as the Indian Nations Red River Brigade stands at attention.

Photo by REUTERS/Nick Oxford
Members and associates of Camp 775 and Oklahoma's Mechanized Cavalry listen to a variety of speakers at the 2017 Confederate Flag Rally in Shawnee.

Photo by Steve Ward
Lt. Commander Patrick Self (center) and Chaplain Bob Pattison (right) talk with an interested attendee at the Camp 775 table at the February gun show in McAlester.

Photo by Ben McIntosh
(left to right) Adjutant Steve Ward, Lt. Commander Patrick Self and Chaplain Bob Pattison man the Camp 775 table at the McAlester gun show.  Compatriot Ben McIntosh also stopped by to support the Camp 775 table.

Photo by Steve Ward
After Commander Couch's tribute to the great General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson to conclude the January 2017 Camp meeting, it was time for the Lee-Jackson Banquet.  Kudos to Western Sizzlin' for the amount and variety of food they served in honor of Generals Lee and Jackson.  Our waitress was wonderful, too!

Photo by Ronnie Keesee
Wewoka Compatriots of Camp 775 honor CSA heroes at their gravesites - P.M. Drake, Co. A, 8th Tennessee Cavalry (left) and William C. Cummings, Co. G, 35th Tennessee Infantry (right, with Ralph Morton) with Confederate wreaths and flags at the Oakwood Cemetery in Wewoka, Oklahoma.

Photo by Steve Ward
Compatriots, wives, and Friends of Camp 775 honor CSA heroes at their gravesites with Confederate wreaths at the Oak Hill Cemetery in McAlester, Oklahoma after their November 2016 meeting.

Photo by Patrick Self
New Compatriot Monty Jack Coley is sworn into Camp 775 by Commander Bently Couch at the November 2016 meeting.

Submitted by Patrick Self
Compatriot Patrick Self next to a Jefferson Davis Highway monument in New Mexico. The small print at the bottom reads, "Erected by the United Daughters of the Confederacy 1955"

Photo by Steve Ward
Compatriot Patrick Self (left) receives a certificate on his ancestor Captain Matthew Daugherty, Sr. of the 29th Texas Cavalry presented by Past Adjutant Allen Harrison at the Camp picnic in October.  The Captain served in the Arkansas and Texas Cavalry.

Photo by Bently Couch
Newly appointed Adjutant Steve Ward (left) listens as Past Adjutant Allen Harrison points out the finer aspects of Camp bookkeeping at the Camp picnic in October.

Photo by Wendy Argo/Graphics by Steve & Kathy Ward
Camp 775 compatriots gather behind Commander Bently Couch's Mississippi state flag as a show of solidarity with our Compatriots in Mississippi.

Photo by ???
Camp Adjutant and Division Past-Commander Allen Harrison presenting Compatriot Bob Pattison with his National SCV Distinguished Service Award.

Photo by Allen Harrison
Commander Couch presenting new member, Compatriot Steve Ward, with his SCV Membership Certificate.

Photo by Bruce Bishop
Bently Couch, Commander of Capt. James. J. McAlester Camp 775 and Division Historian, displaying his Commendation Medal Certificate presented during the August DEC meeting.

Photo by Bruce Bishop
Charley Wilson, Camp Commander Pvt. Drury Warren of Ponca City and Past-Commander Allen Harrison of the Capt. James J. McAlester Camp 775 of McAlester displaying their Dixie Club Certificates presented at the August DEC meeting.

Photo by Bruce Bishop
Division Historian and Commander of the Capt. James J. McAlester of McAlester Camp 775 reporting on the National SCV’s SBC Task Force at the August DEC meeting.

Photo by Ken Cook
Some of the Oklahoma Division attendees to the 2016 National Reunion: Compatriots Larry Logan (Moore), Allen Harrison (McAlester), Charley Wilson (Ponca City), Bently Couch (McAlester), Les Tucker (Oklahoma City) and Ken Cook (Tulsa).

Photo by Ken Cook
Compatriots Kevin Easterling (Oklahoma City), Les Tucker (Oklahoma City) and Bently Couch (McAlester) hard at work at the 2016 National Reunion registration table in Richardson, Texas.

Photo by Allen Harrison
Lt. Commander Bob Pattison (center) and the Oklahoma Division Color Guard, made up of men from Camp Shelby's Oklahoma Iron Men of Duncan at the Gowen Cemetery, Cross of Honor Dedication for Sgt. William Moses Holland, Co. D, 22nd Georgia Infantry.

Photo by Allen Harrison
Compatriot Ron Clark reveals a beautiful regimental flag of the 31st Texas Cavalry which his wife, Chris, made.

Photo by Allen Harrison
Commander Couch presenting Matt Wyatt with his SCV Membership Certificate.

Photo by Allen Harrison
Commander Couch welcomes new members (L. to R. in the above photo) Ralph Morton, Patrick Self and Ron Keesee, holding their SCV Membership Certificates.  These recent inductions bring the Camp membership to nineteen.

Photo by Allen Harrison
Compatriot Ben McIntosh and Commander Couch.  Compatriot McIntosh, gave a very thorough presentation on his ancestor, Col. Daniel N. McIntosh, commander of the 1st Creek Mounted Volunteers, mustered into Confederate service as the 1st Creek Mounted Rifles.

Photo by ?????
Camp McAlester Adjutant Allen Harrison (right), presenting the SCV membership certificate of William Lee Lane to his father, Charles Lane.

Photo by ?????
Compatriot J. Bently Couch presenting his program: “The Life of Robert E. Lee”

The CSA Seal


“To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought.  To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish.
Lieutenant General Stephen Dill Lee
United Confederate Veterans Reunion - New Orleans, Louisiana
25 April 1906